BJP on Saturday announced 48 more candidates for the ensuing Lok Sabha elections including Union Ministers Narendra Singh Tomar from Madhya Pradesh's Morena, Shripad Naik from north Goa and Narendra Keshav Sawaikar from south Goa.The list was released by BJP's Central Election Committee secretary and Union Minister Jagat Prakash Nadda here at a press conference. Out of 48 candidates, two are from Goa, 15 from Madhya Pradesh, 15 from Gujarat, 10 from Jharkhand, 4 from Himachal Pradesh and two from Karnataka. BJP MP Janardan Mishra will contest from Madhya Pradesh's Reva while MP Rakesh Singh from Jabalpur.The BJP has fielded MP Anurag Thakur from Himachal Pradesh's Hamirpur, Suresh Kashyap from Shimla, Kishan Kapoor from Kangra.Among those contesting from Jharkhand include Sunil Soren from Dumka, Nishikant Dubey from Godda, and Pashupati Nath Singh from Dhanbad. The BJP will support Sumalatha as the independent candidate from Karnataka's Mandya.BJP also released its list of six candidates legislative assembly bye-polls in Gujarat and Goa candidates.
In Goa, BJP has fielded Dayanand Raghunath Sopte will contest from Mandrem, Joushua Peter Desouza from Mapusa and Subhash Ankush Shirodkar from Siroda.Parsotambhai Sabariya (Dhrangradhra) Raghavjibhai Patel (Jamnagar Rural) and Javaharabhai Chavda (Manavadar) will contest bye-polls in Gujarat. The seven-phase of 17th Lok Sabha elections in the country are slated to begin on April 11 and will go on till May 19. The counting of votes will take place on May 23.
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