The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said they are not only sure about winning the Delhi and central elections, but about winning by a great majority, on Monday in Delhi at a press conference.
They added that looking at the polls in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh, they were sure that the vote for BJP was in the majority, and that they are anticipating the same for Delhi.
"The BJP is not just going to win by a comfortable majority but by a great majority." said Sushma Swaraj, BJP Party Leader.
She also said that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is a part of congress and any vote given to the AAP will indirectly go to Congress.
"The AAP has been claiming that they will be getting a lot of votes and seats in Delhi. Voting for AAP means wasting a vote as any vote for AAP will go to the Congress and people would not want to do that. They want to get rid of the Congress which has been ruling for the past 15 years," said Sushma.
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BJP party leaders Arun Jaitley and Vijay Goel were also present at the conference.
"Congress in fighting just for the sake of it, as there are no visible efforts being made by the party to win the elections. Winning and losing is a part and parcel of politics but you actually lose when you stop trying," said Jaitley.
Adding to which, he said that there is a dire need for change in Delhi.
"The loser is now known. The only thing that we need to know is that by how much majority we win," he said.
Furthermore, he added that the AAP has a lot of media visibility but there is a difference between the actual power of a party and only media visibility and that the chances of getting votes for the AAP are very less.
Vijay Goel also spoke about how the condition of Delhi has worsened due to the Congress.
"We have looked into a lot of reports and noticed how instead of turning Delhi into Paris, the congress has turned it into a slum. There are no basic facilities and we are going to change that systematically once our party comes to power," said Goel.