Taking a dig at Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday said that he must clarify whether he supports 'anti-national' elements or backs the probe done by the government on the JNU controversy.
"It is unfortunate that instead of raising his voice, he condemned the probe done by the government. Congress must say whether it is supporting the anti-national elements or it is with the government which is probing the matter," BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain told ANI.
"Rahul Gandhi had gone to Hyderabad joining students' politics. Being the vice-president of the grand old party, the country expected that he will condemn anti national slogans. The country expected that he will raise his voice against slogans which called Maqbul Bhat and Afzal Guru martyrs," he added.
Earlier, Rahul accused the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led Government of 'bullying' the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) after a students' union president from the varsity was arrested on charges of sedition.
Rahul Gandhi took to Twitter to vent out his ire.
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"While Anti-India sentiment is unquestionably unacceptable, the right to dissent & debate is an essential ingredient of democracy Modi Govt & ABVP bullying an institution like JNU simply because it won't toe their line is completely condemnable," he tweeted.
JNU Students' Union president, Kanhaiya Kumar, was remanded in three days police custody by Delhi court in connection with a case of sedition, following an FIR by BJP MP from East Delhi Mahesh Giri. (ANI)
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