Conceding defeat in the Delhi Assembly elections, Bharatiya Janata Party's chief ministerial candidate Kiran Bedi on Tuesday congratulated her rival and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal for his party's impressive show and urged him to make the national capital a world class city.
"Full marks to Arvind. Congratulations. Now, take Delhi to the heights it belongs to. Make it a world class city..," she tweeted.
The AAP is inching closer to government formation in Delhi with the party leading in 66 seats. The BJP is ahead in four seats while the Congress is trailing in all the 70 assembly seats.
Counting began at 8 a.m., and is taking place at 14 centres in nine districts of the national capital.
A voter turnout of 67.08 percent was recorded in the polling for the 70-member Delhi Assembly.
A total of 673 candidates are in the fray this time.