The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Saturday expelled its youth wing leader for announcing a reward of Rs. five lakh for cutting off Jawaharlal Nehru University students' union president Kanhaiya Kumar's tongue.
Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) leader Kuldeep Varshnay was expelled from the party's primary membership for a period of six years by the BJP's district unit.
BJYM president Anurag Thakur condemned Varshnay's remark, saying that such a language was not acceptable.
"We are totally against such statements. Everybody has the right to express in democracy, but such a language cannot be used," Thakur told reporters here.
Varshnay had yesterday reportedly announced the prize for cutting off Kahaiya's tongue for speaking against the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi ever since he was released on bail.
Kanhaiya, who was arrested on February 12 on sedition charges, was released from the Tihar Jail on March 3 after the Delhi High Court granted him interim bail for six months.