The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the Special Investigation Team (SIT) to submit the status report on the black money probe by May 12.
"Two things have been decided. One that we will meet again on May 12 because the report that ought to have been given by the SIT has not yet been filed," said BJP leader Subramanian Swamy.
"The second thing is they impleaded me as a party and, therefore, I shall also be contributing to the matter," he added.
Meanwhile, senior advocate Ram Jethmalani attacked the NDA government over the issue, saying it was not anxious to retrieve the black money.
"I have made it very clear and I have written about it, that the present government in which Mr. Arun Jaitley is the Finance Minister, is not anxious to get this money. He is determined not to have it," Jethmalani told ANI.
"I have gone and met the Germans, they said that no effort has been made to get this money from us," he added.
The SIT on black money had been formed by the apex court last year.