The Delhi High Court on Tuesday sought response from the managing directors (MDs) of social media organizations like Facebook India, Google India and Yahoo India, along with the Delhi Police and the Centre, regarding a plea seeking ban on online game 'Blue Whale Challenge.'
The High Court also asked them to take down the links of the online game.
Earlier on August 17, the High Court admitted to hear the plea seeking ban on the online game, which has led to the suicide of a number of children in India and abroad.
The next date of hearing is scheduled for September 19.
More than six children across India, in the age group of 12-19 years, have taken their lives playing this game within a span of two weeks.
The game firstly asks the player to draw a whale on a piece of paper, then carve a whale figure on their body, and then gives other tasks such as watching horror movies alone etc. The tasks include the final challenge to commit suicide.
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