Bollywood comedy show called 'AIB Roast' with Arjun Kapoor, Ranveer Singh have been taken-off from YouTube after its abusive content sparked outrage on social media.
According to an Indian newspaper, the Maharashtra state government has said that it would look into the content of the show and take necessary action if needed, the BBC reported.
The programme that was based on US-style roast shows where celebrities are abused and insulted is facing the heat from Twitter users for its "below the belt" jokes and "abusive language".
The three-part series that was hosted by filmmaker Karan Johar, got more than eight million views within days after it was uploaded on YouTube.
Regional party Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) has asked the actors to apologise over the show.
Johar, actress Alia Bhatt and Sonakshi Sinha tweeted in favor of the show.