Former Deputy Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. (retired) Raj Kadyan, on Thursday said that nine army men, including a Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) of 53 Rashtriya Rifles, indicted for killing two teenagers in Jammu and Kashmir's Budgam district earlier this month will be tried after permission and taken for court martial thereafter.
"I have read in the media that army has found one JCO and eight others guilty of the violation of the rules of engagement in that very unfortunate Budgam incident where two innocent young boys were killed. And as promised by the Army Commander on 3rd November, the investigations have been completed, the enquiry is over. And as per media report, they found these nine people guilty. Now, the next step would be court martial. After due permission is taken they will be tried by the army," said Lt. Gen. (retired) Kadyan.
He also said that he has always maintained that army is the largest stake holder in ensuring that the soldiers remain disciplined and follow all the laid down rules of engagement.
"Any deviation or violation is dealt swiftly and severely. This, however, cannot be connected to the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which is an enabling Act to enable the army to operate in a civil environment and that it should not be mixed up with this," said Lt. Gen. (retired) Kadyan.
"The good part of the Army investigation is they are swift, detailed and they are fair, and the guilty will be given due punishment," he added.
The Army on Thursday indicted nine soldiers, including a Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) of 53 Rashtriya Rifles, for killing two teenagers in Jammu and Kashmir's Budgam district earlier this month.