Reacting to the California shooting, Pakistan Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said that the act of an individual does not represent a country or religion and asserted that every Pakistani with compassion condemns this incident.
The Dawn reports that Nisar branded the shooting as an attempt to malign Islam and Muslims and asserted that 'such incidents are making life difficult for Pakistan and Muslim diaspora'.
"The wrongdoing of an individual Muslim or Pakistani does not mean the entire country or religion is at fault. The Western world in particular and world in general is getting the impression that whatever these extremists are doing is actually Islam. Whatever these terrorists are doing has nothing to do with Islam or Muslims," Nisar said.
Praising the US government's approach into the case he added that their government has refused to heed extremist elements who are blaming Muslims and Pakistanis for terrorism.
Nisar claims that Pakistan has assured US authorities of full cooperation during their probe into the matter.