Director General (DG) of the Border Security Force (BSF) D K Pathak said here on Thursday that India will continue to retaliate as long as Pakistan does not refrain from violating the ceasefire across the Line of Control (LoC) and the international border.
"As long as they keep on firing, we will have to keep on retaliating, because we are mandated to guard our border, protect the civilians living in the border area, so as long as targeting goes on, we will be responding to it," said Pathak.
Rejecting any proposal of flag meeting between the two countries, Pathak said that they have protested Pakistan's actions.
He further confirmed that there were no casualties during last night's firing and said that at around 8.30 or so the Pakistan side fired five more mortar shells in Arnia village, a civilian area, which continued till about 9:30.
"Last night also firing continued, they initiated the fire at around 8:45 in the night and immediately after that we retaliated and we retaliated very heavily all over the border. Almost our six to seven BOPs they retaliated to their fire and till about 11 o clock there was heavy firing from both the sides and after that the intensity of fire reduced and again in the morning at around 5.30 or so the firing started from their side and the last firing was there at around 9:30." Pathak said.
Pakistani troops' firing along the International Border last night injured eight persons, including three BSF jawans.