The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday raided several places in West Bengal and Odisha in connection with its ongoing probe in the multi-crore-rupee chit fund scam. The raids were carried out at the residences and the offices of chit fund company S.R. Green House Limited, which has duped thousands of investors in both the states.
CBI teams raided 18 places in West Bengal and 1 in Odisha. The residences and the offices of the company's managing director and director in Kolkota were also raided.
In Odisha, the focus of raids was Balsore, and the investigating agency seized many important documents during the day long operation.
A total of 246 cases have been registered by the CBI against 128 companies, including Saradha Group, Rose Valley, Unipay 2 U, Jeevan Suraksha, Prayag, Abyss Assam Group Co, Basil International Limited and Daffodils Group of Companies. The case was registered in the scam on the orders of Supreme Court.