Soon after all the four accused in the rape and murder of a woman veterinarian in Telangana were killed in an encounter with the police, Haryana Congress President Kumari Selja on Friday said that every citizen should have faith that such culprits will meet an end but through a proper judicial process.
The four accused were killed in an encounter with the Telangana police in the wee hours on Friday when they tried to escape while being taken to the crime spot, police said.
"The issue here is that this is the end that should meet these kinds of culprits who have perpetrated this kind of crime. The other issue is also there that every citizen should have faith in the judicial system that these kinds of culprits will meet such an end but through a proper judicial process," said Selja.
"Swift action needs to be taken in every case and this end should be met through a proper judicial process," she added.
Selja further asserted that Uttar Pradesh has become a 'rape capital' of the country.
"Where are the systems in place in UP? Such incidents occur again and again. I would like to point out that many times you see that there are people who are holding the office of influence, they are involved in many cases and when the system fails to prosecute them in the way they should, then what kind of icons or leaders are these?" said Selja.
"Are they there to show the way to the country or are they there to show the way to such crimes. Especially people in power when they indulge in these kinds of acts you have to set a swift example but when you fail to do that it also emboldens others to commit such crimes. UP government has totally failed the people and its daughters," she added.
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