Commenting on the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) protest; Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Dr. Harshvardhan on Monday said that Kejriwal's act was irresponsible, and that he had put the common man in trouble, with whose support they had formed a government in Delhi.
"If Kejriwal is protesting and giving dharnas in the capital, he needs to understand that the common man, with whose support they had formed a government in Delhi, are facing a lot of problems due to the protest," said Harshvardhan.
"A lot of the public's money has been wasted in engaging those policemen, and in organizing this protest. Shutting down of metros too has caused them a lot of trouble,' he said.
Arvind Kejriwal and other AAP leaders were stopped at Rail Bhavan by the Delhi Police while heading for a protest outside Union Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde's office demanding action against Delhi Police today.
The party then started protesting in Rail Bhavan itself, demanding action against Delhi Police personnel for alleged dereliction of duty.
Party leader Sanjay Singh made it clear yesterday that AAP will stage the protest if no action is taken against the police officers.
AAP is demanding the suspension of the station house officers (SHO) of Sagarpur and Malviya Nagar police stations and two assistant commissioners of police.