Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Wednesday termed the suspension of five Congress Members of Legislative Assembly (MLAs) from the Maharashtra Assembly a 'black spot' in the history of the state legislature.
"The way the Congress MLAs misbehaved with the Governor is a black spot on the history of Maharashtra Assembly," Fadnavis said.
"If someone feels we don't have majority, they can move no-confidence motion against us, we will prove our majority," he added, in response to the Shiv Sena and Congress, who earlier accused the Bharatiya Janata Party of failing to prove majority in the state.
Earlier today, Congress MLAs Rahul Bondre, Amar Kale, Ranjit Kamble, Vijay Wadettiwar and Abdul Sattar were suspended from the Maharashtra Assembly for protesting against the verdict of the trust vote.
According to reports, the suspended Congress legislatures have 'caused injuries' to two legislature officials as well as the Governor C Vidyasagar Rao.