Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President Rajnath Singh on Tuesday said Finance Minister P. Chidambaram's statement of there being a division within the saffron unit is wrong, and added that the BJP is the only party with no history of vertical division, unlike the Congress Party.
"I want to ask Chidambaramji when was BJP not united? We are the only party, which has never had a vertical division since the inception of our political journey. Congress Party and other parties have had vertical divisions," he told media here today.
In an interview to a foreign news agency, Chidambaram had said that Narendra Modi has managed to unite the rank and file of the party.
He further said that Modi had become popular among the urban youth, but added that he was someone with a "very, very chequered track record".
Chidamabaram had also said that it would be a gross exaggeration to say that Modi would politically sweep the countryside and win in every state in the 2014 elections. This, he said, was all media created hype.