Taking a dig at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav for questioning the authenticity of the forensic report, which stated that the meat found from Dadri lynching victim Mohammad Akhlaq's house was of cow or its progeny, Bharatiya Janata Party MP from Gorakhpur Yogi Adityanath said Yadav was doubting the working of his own machinery.
"The statement of the Chief Minister puts a question mark on the working of the machinery. May be, he is hiding facts. What can be more embarrassing for a state that its chief is trying to hide the facts," Adityanath told the media here.
He further stated that even as the sampling was done by his own administration, as a Chief Minister he does not trust his own machinery.
"Everything took place in the presence of the police administration. Everyone has seen that attempts are being made to hide facts and truth," he added.
Demanded his registration, Adityanath said the government should take back the compensation given to the victim's family.
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"If the Chief Minister has even an iota of ideology left in him, he will mark a probe against Akhlaq's family. The government should take back the compensation and think about the benefit of the state," he added.
Earlier today, Akhilesh Yadav questioned the authenticity of the forensic report.
His remarks came after a report prepared by a forensic lab in Mathura concluded that the meat found in the victim's house was beef.
Fifty-two-year-old Akhlaq and his son Danish were attacked by a mob at Bisada village in Dadri over rumours that they had slaughtered a cow in September last year.
"On the basis of chemical analysis the sample belongs to cow or its progeny," states the final result section of the report, signed by the Joint Director of the Forensic investigation Laboratory, Mathura.
The incident had sparked a nationwide debate over intolerance, with the opposition parties launching a full-fledged attack on the ruling government over the alleged growing intolerance in the country.