The Delhi High Court on Tuesday agreed to an urgent hearing of the plea of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) student Umar Khalid and four others booked by the Delhi Police, seeking ample security before they surrender so that no untoward incident happens.
All five students Umar Khalid Anant Prakash Narayan, Ashutosh Kumar, Rama Naga and Anirban Bhattacharya, who have been accused of sedition, returned to the campus on Sunday night.
Earlier, Delhi Police Commissioner Bhim Sain Bassi asked the JNU students, who returned to the university campus to join the join probe and present evidence of their innocence.
"I would say if the police is looking for them then they should join the police investigation. And if they are innocent, they should present evidence of their innocence," Bassi told the media here.
When asked if the police would enter the JNU campus to arrest the students, the top cop said that his men are competent enough to deal with the situation.