The Delhi High Court on Tuesday rejected a plea that sought a National Investigation Agency (NIA) probe of alleged anti-national activities on the Jawaharlal Nehru University's campus.
Justice Manmohan termed the plea filed by by advocate Ranjana Agnihotri as "premature" and said that there was no need for a NIA probe when the matter is already being investigated by the police.
Agnihotri had on Monday alleged that Delhi Police was not investigating the case properly and that the matter should be transferred to the NIA.
"The incident took place only on February 9. This court is confident that Delhi Police will investigate all the aspects. The petitioner approached the court without making any representation to any government authorities. The petition is premature. I am not interfering at this stage. Let the Delhi Police investigate it. It's too early," JUstice Manmohan said, while dismissing the plea.
Earlier, the Centre's counsel Anil Soni and Delhi Police's counsel Rahul Mehra told the court that anti-national slogans were shouted on campus and that police are investigating who instigated the protests and who were behind it.
Jawaharlal Nehru University Students Union president Kanhaiya Kumar was arrested in a sedition case on February 12 after an event held on the university campus against the hanging of parliament attack convict Afzal Guru.