Delhi high court on Wednesday adjourned further hearing in alleged illegal land deals of son-in-law of Congress chief Sonia Gandhi, Robert Vadra, till May 13, after completion of general elections, citing that any judgment might influence the voters.
The order came after the petitioner, M.L. Sharma, who filed the public interest litigation (PIL) seeking investigation by Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into the various land deals made by Vadra, himself requested the court to adjourn the proceedings.
Sharma said in the court that any judgment by the court would tilt voters either towards main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party or towards ruling Congress.
"Court has fixed the date of May 13. Now the entire hearing and judgment in the case of Robert Vadra will be given on May 13 so that no election will be influenced in any constituency," Sharma said.
Advocate Sharma filed a petition in the court stating that licenses were issued to developers by Vadra's firms to turn thousands of acres of land into colonies. He is seeking a probe for cheating, forgery, criminal conspiracy and corruption.
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Businessmen Vadra, who married Sonia Gandhi's daughter Priyanka Gandhi in 1997, has denied the accusations leveled by anti-corruption activists, of improper dealings with DLF. In fact, the government also ruled out an inquiry in the case.
Meanwhile, a leader of BJP, Arjun Meghwal, alleged that Priyanka Gandhi was in know of the land deals.
"I feel that when Robert Vadra disrespected the law while buying land and misused power, Priyanka Gandhi knew it," said Meghwal.