Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi on Friday said that around 55,000 police officers will be deployed on duty tomorrow for the single-phase polling to elect the next Delhi Assembly.
"Our deployment on booth labels will begin from this evening. In some areas, we have already beefed up the patrolling pickets. Estimated 55,000 police officers of Delhi Police will be on duty tomorrow. Additional CAPF (Central Armed Police Force) will also be there on the roads," Bassi said.
"In the police control room, all the activities will be monitored by our senior officers holding special commissioner rank so that the general public doesn't have to face any inconvenience in casting their vote," he added.
A total of 12083 electronic voting machines (EVMS) will be in use to allow 1, 33, 14, 215 persons (Male = 73, 89,089; Female = 59, 19, 127; Others' = 862; Service Personnel = 5110 and NRI voters = 27) to vote throughout Saturday.
Of the 70 assembly constituencies that are being contested, 58 are in the general category and 12 are in the Scheduled Caste category. There are no Scheduled Tribe constituencies in the national capital.
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Chief Election Commissioner Hari Shankar Brahma has said all arrangements are in place for free and fair polling in Delhi tomorrow.
Brahma said he was confident that voters would be allowed to exercise their franchise safely and in well secured electronic voting booths.
Campaigning for the assembly elections ended yesterday evening.
A total of 673 candidates are in the fray this time. The results will be declared on February 10.