Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh on Thursday expressed his displeasure over party colleague Choudhary Rakesh Singh Chaturvedi's irrational behaviour in the Madhya Pradesh assembly, and accused the BJP of playing politics on the issue.
"The motion is not defeated, it was never discussed. BJP was scared of the no-confidence motion and so it played this trick," Digvijay Singh said.
Madhya Pradesh Assembly was adjourned indefinitely today without discussing the no-confidence motion moved by the Leader of Opposition, Ajay Singh. There was a huge uproar in the MP assembly when the Deputy Leader of Opposition Choudhary Rakesh Singh Chaturvedi, opposed his own party's move, claiming that his demands on three agendas were not included in the motion.
The no-confidence motion against the BJP government in MP was admitted by the State Assembly on July 9.