Minister of State (MoS) for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju on Wednesday said the 'disturbing' video about the atrocities committed by the Pakistan forces against the innocent people in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) has exposed the duplicity of Islamabad.
"This video about the atrocities committed by the Pakistani forces against the innocent people in the Pakistan occupied area of Kashmir is very disturbing. It has exposed the duplicity of Pakistan," Rijiju told ANI.
"We have always had this credible agency inputs that the Pakistan occupied Kashmiris have never enjoyed the spirit of democratic freedom. Now, with this video, Pakistan's stand is exposed," he added.
"We would like to urge the International Human Rights Commissions and also to the Pakistan's Government to permit access to the international agencies to go to the Pakistan occupied Kashmir areas to verify and find out the conditions of the local people and the manner in which the Pakistani forces have committed atrocities against them. We deeply sympathise with the people living in Pakistan occupied Kashmir," he further said.
A video had come out yesterday, showing the Pakistani establishment using brutal force to quell rebellion in the regions of PoK, which is resorting to massive human rights violation.