The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Tuesday trained guns at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav following Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Azam Khan's insensitive comments on the Bulandshahr gang-rape case, saying the ruling party in the state must not stoop down for political gains.
"The criminals are roaming free because they have support of the Akhilesh government. The Bulandshahr incident is a shameful episode. We condemn it and request Akhilesh Yadav that please do not degrade the level of politics for electoral gains," said BJP leader Shrikant Sharma.
"The UP Government should initiate a strict probe against the culprits. Mr. Azam Khan, who is a confidant of Akhilesh Yadav, is saying the Bulandshahr incident is a conspiracy of the opposition parties. This is very shameful and is epitome of insensitiveness," he added.
In what may come as an embarrassment for the Samajwadi Party Government, Khan earlier hinted at a political conspiracy behind the gang-rape of a mother and her 14-year-old daughter in Bulandshahr.
Khan said that a desperate opposition could stoop to any level to defame and disgrace the government since the state elections are approaching.
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The three men, who have been arrested, were yesterday sent to 14-day judicial custody. Four other accused are, however, still absconding.
The incident took place on Friday night when a 35-year-old woman and her 14-year-old daughter were allegedly gang-raped by a group of robbers in Bulandshahr district.
The victims were on their way from Noida to Shahjahanpur with the other family members when their vehicle was stopped near a cycle repairing shop in Dostpur village on NH-9, which connects Noida and Bulandshahr.