'Drunkorexics' - people who regularly forego meals to save calories or exercise to burn them off so they can binge drink and not gain weight are leading a very unhealthy lifestyle and are causing themselves much harm, according to eating disorder experts.
Clinical psychologist Louise Adams said that she comes across many women who restrict food all day as they have plans to go drinking that night.
According to the drinking guidelines that have been issued by FARE, the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education, adults should not consume more than two standard drinks any given day to cut the lifetime risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury, Stuff.co.nz reported.
A 100ml measure of wine or 30ml of spirits is equal to one standard drink.
FARE chief executive Michael Thorn said that if people skip meals to drink more alcohol they are going to feel the effects of intoxication much more quickly, as they are consuming empty calories and more likely to be nutrient deficient, and anyone drinking alcohol outside recommended guidelines is also likelier to be at chronic disease risk.
Christine Morgan, chief executive of the Butterfly Foundation, said that missing meals to binge drink is dangerous, as forgoing lunch or dinner means that they are missing on protein, complex carbohydrates, dairy requirement.