Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday said the ease of doing business will help the state of Rajasthan in investment.
"We have eased all the rules as far as investment is concerned. I am sure Rajasthan as an extremely progressive state, is certainly going to gain from this new investment chapter that India is writing," he said while speaking at the two-day global investors meet 'Resurgent Rajasthan' Summit.
"Rajasthan is a land of history. Its cities, villages literally symbolise that history. One of important aspects of its history has been the ability of the people of one part of this region who specialize not only in earning but also multiplying money," he added.
Jaitley pointed out that the investor summit shows investments are flowing in Rajasthan and the state has found its core areas.
"India, in the last few months, has been following a policy with renewed vigour of attracting investments into the country. Public investment significantly increased, FDI considerably increased, private sector investment is slowly picking up," he added.
Aimed at attracting investments to the state, MoUs worth close to Rs. three lakh crores were signed in the presence of Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje today.