Delhi Police commissioner B.S. Bassi on Monday said Lokesh, an energy consultant arrested for allegedly leaking information from the Coal and Power Ministry, provided unauthorized documents to certain individuals for money
"Lokesh had been indulging in removal of official documents from coal and power ministry and we are investigating further to arrest his accomplices," said Bassi.
"He provided these unauthorized documents to certain individuals for money; after his accomplices are arrested we will definitely be able to get more details," he added.
Bassi further said that the name of a consulting firm has also emerged in this case.
Meanwhile, Lokesh has been sent to five-day police custody.
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With this, the number of people arrested in this corporate espionage case has reached 13.
Meanwhile, 12 people who were arrested for leaking information from the Petroleum Ministry will be produced in the court today.
The executives from five energy companies - Shailesh Saxena (Manager, Corporate Affairs, RIL), Vinay Kumar (DGM, Essar), KK Naik (GM, Cairns India), Subhash Chandra (Senior Executive, Jubilant Energy) and Rishi Anand (DGM, ADAG Reliance), were arrested by the police late on Friday evening.