Former chief minister Harish Rawat on Tuesday welcomed the Nainital High Court's verdict directing a floor test in the Uttarakhand assembly, saying those attempting to topple the Congress Government's were given a befitting lesson.
"We respect the orders and directions of the Nainital High Court," Rawat told the media here.
"Satisfied, the High Court has given a befitting lesson to elements trying to dislodge our Govts unconstitutionally," he added.
The Nainital High Court today ordered a floor test in the Assembly to determine which party enjoys a majority and stayed the President's rule, which was imposed on Sunday. The court, in it order, also allowed the nine suspended rebel MLAs to take part in the floor test.
The assembly floor test will be held at 11 am on Thursday and Registrar General of Nainital HC will be present as an observer.
With the move coming weeks after President's rule was imposed in Arunachal Pradesh, an angry Congress claimed that the BJP had stooped to a new low and would challenge the order in court.
The crisis in the hill state erupted on March 18 when nine Congress MLAs rebelled against Rawat's government, resulting in flip-flop in the passage of the Appropriation Bill. The BJP met the Governor the same day and staked claim to form the government.