Former Home Secretary R K Singh on Tuesday supported the move to ban the taxi service 'Uber' and was also of the opinion that the car rental company should be considered a party to the crime committed against the woman who was raped inside the cab by one of its drivers.
"Definitely it should be banned, also, Uber should be considered an accused. Uber is providing services, it has to take responsibility, it should engage drivers only after verification. It is my view," R. K. Singh told ANI here.
The Delhi Police has lodged an FIR against Uber for cheating customers on the pretext of providing safe commuting with duly verified drivers. The police will also reportedly continue questioning officials of the taxi service in the national capital.
The Delhi government had on Monday banned Uber from functioning in the national capital even as the company issued a statement assuring its full co-operation to help the victim and her family .
Reports say the Uber cab driver accused of raping the finance executive on Friday, had been convicted for a similar crime in 2011 and had spent over seven months in prison. However, he was later acquitted in that case.