Terming the incident involving a police constable in the Shahjahanpur area of Uttar Pradesh as 'unfortunate', the National Federation of Indian Women general secretary Annie Raja on Wednesday said that police is committing crimes against women because the Akhilesh Yadav-led government in the state has failed to send out a strong message to the perpetrators of crime against women.
"Because of the failure of the government, the police personnel are daring to do such crimes against women. The government had failed to send out a strong message, a strong warning to all the instruments of government that if anyone does such anti-women crimes, they will not be spared," Annie Raja told ANI here.
She also accused the UP government of not learning lessons from the past, urging the state machinery to ensure that the legislations that exist to prevent such crimes should be implemented.
"It is very unfortunate that in spite of such incidents happening all across the country, the UP government has not learnt any lessons, this is what the latest incident shows," Raja added.
"There are lots of legislations and acts in our country to prevent such crimes, Akhilesh Yadav government should make sure that all such legislations and acts are implemented in letter and spirit," Raja added.
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According to reports, Constable Shailendra Shukla of the Uttar Pradesh police entered the venue of a dance program being held in the Shahjahanpur region of UP in an inebriated state and climbed on the stage. He then reportedly pulled out his revolver and brandished it while swaying to the tune of the music and showered currency notes worth Rs 30,000 on the dancer.
This act of Shukla was however caught on camera.
The Superintendent of Police, Shahjahanpur, Ramesh Chandra Sahu has reportedly suspended Shukla and has ordered an inquiry in to the matter.