Seven FIFA officials, who have been accused of bribery and corruption recently, were treated as privileged guests by the staffers of the historic five-star Baur au Lac hotel in Zurich till the end when they were arrested on May 27.
The hotel staff obligingly covered the officials indicted on charges of high crimes and misdemeanors with linens to protect their privacy, the Washington Times has reported.
The posh Baur au Lac, opened by Austrian hotelier Johannes Baur opened it in 1844, is poised just across from Lake Zurich.
Placido Domingo said in an interview it was no wonder that the "FIFA seven" checked into that peaceful haven, with its grand chandelier, art deco fireplace, Asian artwork, recently renovated lobby and USD 4,000-per-night suites. It may well have been where the officials met with moneymen intent on swaying the locations of World Cups.
He also added that he has stayed sometimes at the hotel when he used to sing in Zurich.