In order to address the issue of malnutrition, World Vision India is running the 'Urgent Management And Nutritional Growth (UMANG) under Jorhat's area development programme, and providing free food to children at thirteen anganwadi centres here.
The UMANG is an emergency feeding program for moderate and severely malnourished children. Depending on progress in weight gained by children, the program is continued for three to six months.
"It is so nice that we got a chance to work alongside the ICDS department so as to touch the lives of the people. So that many of the children can be brought back to a normal life. This is a very important stage where a child needs to grow healthy, without that the life beyond that is at stake," said Ringphamchung Khartu, Programme Manager
One year and three month old Udit Bhuyan was severely malnourished, weighing only around four kilograms, when he has identified by a World Vision field executive. He was taken to the Jorhat Medical College and Hospital for a checkup and put under the Umang Feeding Program.
His parents are now happy as he has gained 2.8 kilograms within a month. There are many kids like Udit in this locality of Jorhat whose health has significantly improved after joining the UMANG program.
The program also emphasizes on sensitizing and educating the anganwadi workers, community health volunteers and mothers on healthy lifestyle practices. The program has been contributing significantly to the well-being of children in the region.