Highlighting the unrest in Kashmir and lauding India's medal winners at the Rio Olympics, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday addressed the nation in the 23rd edition of Mann ki Baat.
Highlights from the Prime Minister's address:
. Major Dhyanchand played a key role in bringing Gold medal for India in 1928 1932 & 1936 Olympic Games. He has been a symbol of sportsman spirit, patriotism and a source of inspiration
. India daughters have brought us medals this time and they have proved yet again, that they are not less than anyone else.
. Our daughters from north, south, east and other parts of the country have virtually taken it up on to themselves to bring laurels for the country
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. New Sports Committee will make a road map for upcoming Olympics to ensure better performance.
. A teacher's life is dedicated to students and he places his student's needs above his own. In a person's life, a teacher's position is as significant as a mother.
. After Rio Olympics, all you can hear these days in about Pullela Gopichand. I salute him, he has shown what it is like to be a good teacher. I consider him a better teacher today than a sportsman.
. I still remember one of my school teachers who is 90 years old and he keeps sending me handwritten letters every month. His words, his handwriting, his quotes- remind as if I am doing a correspondence course under him.
. Many people have written to me this time about Ganesh Utsav, Durga Puja and they are concerned about the environmental impact:
. Why should we not go back to our tradition of using clay for making idols?
. It is a matter of pride for us that Mother Teresa will be granted sainthood on 4th September.
.Few days ago, the Government took up an initiative to connect people for a clean Ganga in collaboration with five states.
. On 15th July, 1.5 lakh students from Kabirdham in Chattisgarh wrote to their parents asking to construct a toilet in their homes.
. In Karnataka, a 16-year-old girl launched a Satyagraha, gave up food, demanding a toilet in her home.
. On Ganhesh Utsav, I request you to use idols made of clay. After all, caring for the environment and marine life is a form of worship too.
. It is the strength of the country that unity of vision has led all political parties to join hands on GSTand Kashmir
. When development becomes a public movement, it can bring about huge change.
.All national parties have spoken in one voice regarding the current situation in Kashmir
. Unity and affection was the crux of all interactions I had with parties on Kashmir situation
. Any life lost in Kashmir, whether of any youth or any security personnel, is our own loss
. We should give priority to discussions which strengthen the nation's unity and then only can we brighten our future.
. Those who are using small children to further fuel violence in Kashmir, they will have to answer to those children some day.