Congress leader Shobha Oza on Wednesday said Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and union minister Giriraj Singh had lost his mental balance and needed to consult a psychiatrist following his racist remark on Congress president Sonia Gandhi.
"I think Giriraj Singh has lost his mental balance, he needs to consult a psychiatrist," said Oza.
Activist Kavita Srivastava said the Bihar MP is well known for making absurd statements.
"Giriraj Singh says absurd things. Even during the election campaign, he said that people who do not have faith in Modi should go to Pakistan. Reaction on his comment gives him unnecessary importance," said Srivastava.
The BJP leader from Bihar landed himself in another political controversy on Wednesday when he racially targeted the Congress president.
Singh, who was sitting among a group of his supporters in Hajipur, Bihar, jocularly asked whether Sonia's "white skin" had been her ticket to securing the top job in the Congress Party.
Stoking the controversy further, he further queried, "If Rajiv (Gandhi) had married a Nigerian, things would have been different.