Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said that both Lieutenant Governor Najeeb Jung and the Centre were trying to interfere in the work of the judiciary by declaring his orders 'null and void'.
"The power to declare a state government's orders 'null and void' is with the judiciary. So, the Lt. Governor and the Centre are interfering with the work of the judiciary," Kejriwal said.
Kejriwal maintained this was probably a first in Independent India that at least 30 orders issued by the Government of Delhi have been declared 'null and void' by the Lt. Governor.
"It is written in the Constitution very clearly what are the powers of the state government and what are the powers of the Centre. Whenever we pass any order, the Centre sends out a counter order that says the chief minister's order must not be followed, and those that follow it or implement it, will face disciplinary action," he said.
Kejriwal was making this point at a conclave of chief ministers to discuss issues related to co-operative federalism. He primarily spoke about the current status of Centre-State relations.