Leading online travel aggregator, Goibibo.com has launched a unique feature "Go-Time Guarantee" for quick and easy refunds.
The travel group guarantees refund to be processed within two hours from the time the customer cancels his or her travel with the online portal.
Goibibo transparently shares the exact time in minutes and seconds, taken to process the refund. In case of a failure to meet the two hour guarantee, the platform promises to credit Rs.100 in the customer's GoCash wallet for every hour of delay.
E-commerce users in India have the highest anxiety while waiting for their refunds. As per Goibibo's internal data, more than 15 percent of travelers make amendments/ changes to their trips resulting in refunds to be given back to the customers.
With an aim to serve faster, Goibibo will also maintain customer trust and reliability.
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"Goibibo's core focus is to constantly increase speed, reliability and trust. Launch of 'Go-Time for refunds' is just the starting point in solving pain points of buyers," said Goibibo Founder and CEO Ashish Kashyap.
"In the next 3 to 4 months, we will give 'time guarantees' to our customers for all processes. We are going to make GoTime ubiquitous," added Kashyap.
As per a recent report by Morgan Stanley (Report released in December 2015), Goibibo.com was announced as the number one choice in hotel booking volumes in India.