Maharashtra Finance Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar has said that actions against former minister and senior NCP leader Chhagan Bhujbal, who is facing trial on charges of money laundering and corruption, were taken in accordance with law, adding the Devendra Fadnavis-led BJP government in the state does not try to 'trap' anyone.
In an exclusive interview to ETV News head Jagdish Chandra, Mungantiwar rubbishing speculation that actions against Bhujbal are politically motivated.
"Action against Chhagan Bhujbal is taken within the law. Government doesn't do anything to trap anybody, only the investigation is done by the government. The judiciary is doing its job," he said in ETV's popular 'The J C Show' in Mumbai.
A special trial court had on Wednesday issued a non-bailable warrant against Pankaj Bhujbal and 28 others accused in a Rs. 800 crore money laundering case. Pankaj is the son of Chhagan Bhujbal, presently in judicial custody in connection with this case.
The Maharashtra Anti-Corruption Bureau had earlier filed two FIRs against the Bhujbals and others under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) to probe the Delhi-based Maharashtra Sadan scam and the Kalina land grabbing case.