Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Wednesday said the government is working to make the process of exporting defence goods easier and transparent in order to give impetus to the domestic manufacturing in the sector.
"Defence is a sector where demand is almost restricted to one buyer i.e. the defence itself. Export comes next. We are also working on making the process of export easier and many other procedural formalities simpler but more transparent," Parrikar said in his opening remarks at the first day of 10th Aero India-2015.
Parrikar also hailed the growing interest in the government's 'Make in India' initiative.
"Within two years, the interest in the defence sector and the manufacturing in the defence sector has gone up tremendously and we expect a lot of business deals and deals which will take India's defence industry basically 'Make in India' forward," he said.
The Defence Minister also welcomed the enthusiasm shown by various companies participating in the 'Aero India 2015'exhibition.