Gujarat Chief Minister Anandi Patel is expected to perform the traditional ritual of "Pahind Vidhi" or symbolic path cleaning of the road on which a chariot carrying an idol of Lord Jagannath is set to move on Sunday morning here amid tight security. Apart from Lord Jagannath, the annual rath yatra will include idols of his elder brother Lord Baldev and their sister Devi Subhadra.
The event is likely to be witnessed by lakhs of devotees.
Sunday's event will be the 137th edition of the Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra. It will begin from the 400-year-old temple in Ahmedabad's Jamalpur area.
The Lord Jagannath Rath Yatra or chariot festival is celebrated by Hindus on the second day of Sukla Paksha (waxing cycle of moon) in the month of Ashadh.
As per tradition, the chief minister performs this ritual.
In keeping with a century-old tradition, elephants will have the first glimpse of Lord Jagannath, and they would lead the procession along its 14-km route. In all, 18 elephants, 100 trucks, 30 religious congregations, 18 singing troupes, three chariots and seven cars will form part of the procession.
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According to reports, the procession will pass through Kalupur, Prem Darwaja, Delhi Chakla, Dariyapur and Shahpur of the old city of Ahmedabad. These areas are said to be Muslim-dominant and communally sensitive.
Tight security is in place along the entire route, Joint Commissioner of Police (JCP) of Special Branch Vikas Sahay said.
Ahmedabad Police Commissioner Shivanand Jha said that over 19,000 uniformed police and paramilitaries have been deployed to ensure prevention of any untoward mishap.
They include two Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) companies, eight Border Security Force (BSF) companies, four Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) companies, four Rapid Action Force (RAF) companies and 4,500 Home Guards.
About 80 closed circuit television cameras (CCTV) have been installed along the route and will be monitored by the main police control room.
About 2500 Detection Crime Branch (DCB) personnel will walk along the procession route, he added during a press conference on Saturday.