The Gujarat High Court on Thursday quashed the state government's notification of granting 10 percent quota to the Economically Backward Classes in educational institutions.
The BJP-led Gujarat Government had come up with the ordinance in view of Patidar agitation for reservation.
The judgment comes on a set of petitions challenging the ordinance saying the ten percent provision is against the limit of 50 percent reservation.
The petition filed by a group, including social activists, students and parents, had challenged the ordinance, claiming that it was contrary to the precedents established by the Supreme Court in 1990.
However, the state defended the Gujarat Unreserved Economically Weaker Sections (Reservation of Seats in Educational Institutions in the State and of Appointments and Posts in Services under the State) Ordinance, 2016, stating that the provision of 10 percent quota was a classification of EWS and it should not be treated as reservation prescribed under the Constitution.