The Nainital High Court on Monday directed the Central Investigation Agency (CBI) to keep it informed before taking any action in connection with Chief Minister Harish Rawat's controversial sting CD case in which he is purportedly seen trying to influence some dissident Congress MLAs.
This matter would ne next heard on July 19.
The CBI has in the last two months quizzed Rawat twice in connection with the sting operation where he was shown offering bribe to the rebel Congress MLAs to save his government.
However, Rawat has so far rubbished the claims and claimed to have fully cooperated with the investigating agency.
The Uttarakhand High Court had earlier on May 31 refused to quash the ongoing CBI probe into the sting operation, following which the agency had summoned the Chief Minister.
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The TV sting operation was done earlier in March when the rebel Congress MLAs voted against the state budget, triggering a political crisis in Uttarakhand.
Rawat-led government was later sacked by the Centre and President's rule was imposed in the state.
However, the Congress knocked the door of the Supreme Court and Rawat returned as the Chief Minister after winning a trust vote earlier last month.