Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, who has been granted parole for a month, on Saturday said there is no case of favoritism in the process of him getting a parole, and added that he has come out after a thorough process.
Dutt had filed a request for a month parole citing his wife Maanyata's illness in his application.
"There is a book about the rules and regulation for parole and furlough. Last time I was out on a furlough. This time, it is a parole. Everyday people get out on either a parole or a furlough. So, there is not a case of favoritism towards me. I have come in a line...I have come in a process," he said.
He also said that Pune Divisional Commissioner Prabhakar Deshmukh is a very responsible person and everybody should respect him for that.
"My application was referred, and after that, reports of doctor treating my wife and police had been sent. After this, I was granted a parole. So, there is no case of favoritism,"
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Talking about his wife Maanyata's illness, he said, "My wife has been detected with a tumor of liver, and it will be examined by the doctors. So, I want everyone to pray for her good health,"
Maanyata, however, was seen at two separate events at the same time and the news of Sanjay Dutt being granted yet another parole stirred controversy and invited protests from activists.
A doctor, who examined her, later certified that Maanyata has been diagnosed with a tumour in the liver and a suspected heart ailment.
Dutt spent the whole of October on leave at home in Mumbai. He was granted two weeks leave on medical grounds on October 1 and an extension of another two weeks on October 14.
Dutt had surrendered before a TADA court in Mumbai in May after the Supreme Court delivered a final verdict on the Bollywood actor's part in the bomb blasts that ripped Mumbai apart in 1993.
Dutt was sentenced to six years in jail in 2007, and had his sentence reduced by a year.
He had already served 18 months of his sentence and was sent to prison to serve the remaining 42 months left of the five-year jail term he was handed by the Supreme Court.