Special Public Prosecutor Pradeep Gharat on Wednesday said that he had tried his best to bring the truth before court in the 2002 hit-and-run case involving Bollywood actor Salman Khan.
"In the coming hours the court will pronounce its verdict. We have tried to bring the truth in front of the court and placed all facts in front of the court. We have tried our best, let's see what happens.
Everything is in the hands of the court," said Gharat.
Meanwhile, senior advocate Abha Singh said the verdict in the case would likely play out in three scenarios.
"The verdict will come in Salman Khan's case, whether he is going to be convicted in 304 Part II, culpable homicide not amounting to murder, which is ten years' imprisonment. And if that comes, he will be arrested in the court itself and his people may have to move the
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High Court for bail," Singh told ANI.
"But if it's 304 A, i.e. death by negligence, then he would get bail here immediately. And there is a third option, that he can be let scot free also," she added.
Salman, 49, is accused of running his vehicle on a pavement in Bandra on September 28, 2002, killing one person and injuring four others. He has pleaded not guilty of the charges.
He has been booked under Section 304 A of the Indian Penal Code (rash and negligent driving), 279 (rash driving), 337 (causing minor injuries), 338 (causing major injuries) and 427 (negligence) in connection with the case.