After making some shocking allegations against Hrithik Roshan's family on Wednesday, Kangana Ranaut's sister Rangoli Chandel on Thursday alleged the family was torturing Sunaina (Hrithik's sister). She also claimed that Sunaina's number was not reachable and that she was scared for her.
In a series of tweets, Rangoli alleged the family made Sunaina dependant on them and now when she is in her 40s they have stopped supporting her financially. She claimed that Sunaina was married at a young age of 16 and does not have any educational qualification.
She further asserted that there is no use of seeking help from police as Hrithik's father Rakesh Roshan has "good connection" with them.
She alleged that Sunaina is being tortured and asked people not to judge her.
In another tweet, she claimed that Sunaina's phone was not reachable.
On Wednesday, Rangoli accused the family of physically assaulting Sunania for being in love with a Muslim. Rangoli also claimed that Sunaina has sought Kangana's help in the matter.
A few days back, Rangoli slammed Sunaina in a series of tweets where she wrote how Sunaina constantly messaged the two sisters apologising for not standing up for them when her brother Hrithik accused Kangana of suffering from bipolar disease.
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