On a day when the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) anointed him as the chief of the party's national poll panel for the forthcoming assembly elections and the 2014 general elections, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi said that he he had full faith in the workers of the party to deliver on state as well as national goals of growth and development.
A verbally and politically aggressive Modi, praised the states where the BJP was in power, for its achievements in terms of growth and development.
Modi said: "None of our chief ministers have been accused of any wrongdoing. Those who are accused of corruption are sitting in Delhi. But it does not seem to bother them."
Attacking the Congress for wasting crores of taxpayer money on advertisement campaigns, he said without mincing words: "The government at the Centre cannot be trusted."
"The Congress is non-serious. It has taken the people of this country for granted and is not bothered about the youth. Our dream should be to rid this country of the Congress," he added.
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"People of this country have lost trust in the government. It is the BJP's responsibility to save the country from an 'insensitive' government," Modi said.
Earlier in the day, he tweeted to say: "Senior leaders have reposed faith in me. We will leave no stone unturned for Congress Mukt Bharat Nirman. Thanks for support and blessings."
"Spoke to Advaniji on the phone. He gave me his blessings. Honoured and extremely grateful to receive his blessings," he said further.
BJP women leader Smriti Irani said:"This is a decisive step towards the victory of 2014 elections."
Shiv Sena spokesperson Sanjay Raut congratulated Modi on his appointment as the BJP's 2014 poll panel chief.
He said: "We welcome the decision of BJP. He is the BJP's campaign committee chief, not the NDA's. So no one should have problem.