Delhi's new Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday stated that he is dedicated to find systemic solutions to Delhi's problems and implementing them.
Kejriwal took to twitter and said that he will regularly monitor the work of all the ministers and MLA's.
"Some people [are] surprised and asking me why i didn't keep any portfolio with myself? I don't think CM shoud micromanage any one ministry. I will devote myself 2 finding systemic solns to Delhi's problems n implementing them. This includes tech as well as governance solns," Kejriwal tweeted.
"Also I will regularly monitor the work of all ministers n MLAs n hold them accountable," he said in another tweet.
Arvind Kejriwal took oath as Chief Minsiter of Delhi earlier today along with six other ministers after his party won 67 out of 70 seats in the assembly polls held on February 7.