Punjab Health & Family Welfare Minister Balbir Singh Sidhu has issued the instructions to all civil surgeons to immediately inform the State Medical Council and other concerned registering authorities about the doctor/staff of scanning centre against whom charges have been framed in court or conviction awarded in case under Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act, (PC & PNDT Act).
Presiding over a meeting of State Supervisory Board at Parivar Kalyan Bhawan regarding complying with the Provisions of PC & PNDT Act, Sidhu said that if court case/FIR is registered against any doctor or any other registered person and charges framed in court or convicted by court, such as staff nurses or registered centre under PC & PNDT Act, the district appropriate authority should immediately send the information to the State Medical Council or concerned Registering Council.
He also said that if the violators are convicted by the court, it is the duty of health department to inform the concerned regulatory authority for taking further appropriate action including suspension or cancellation of the registration of doctor, nurse, other staff members and scanning centre.
The Principal Secretary Health & Family Welfare Department Anurag Aggarwal on the occasion said that in order to crack down on the mafia involved in this inhuman business of sex determination leading to female foeticide, instructions have already been sent to increase inspections/stings/raids in districts where the sex ratio is low.
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