A Memorandum of Understanding is under consideration between Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi and Nepal fine arts to further enhance mutual understanding and friendly cultural relationship.
The memorandum of understanding between Nepal Academy of Fine Arts, Nepal and Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi is expected to explore the Fine Arts, academicians, creative artists, scholars and intellectuals of the two countries through the exchange of delegations relating to various fine arts, cultural issues, art exhibitions and exchange programs on a reciprocal basis.
India and Nepal want to work together in reviving old manuscripts. The second area is restoring the monuments and the cultural sites on both sides of the border
Through cultural exchange, dialogue and cross-fertilization of ideas, India-Nepal relationship cornerstone will be built.
Buddhisim is a great bond between India and Nepal that created a global and intellectual revolution itself.
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"There is a relationship between the two countries which is very long standing at least the documented history of this relationship goes back to 2005 years. So this MOU will give us an opportunity to span that history in visual terms very effectively. When we are talking about spanning the history in visual terms we also take entire history in cultural relations because the culture of these two countries is strongly visual and we have in 2005 years, hundreds and thousands of sculptures, manuscripts, paintings and illustrations which illustrate our relationship," said Dr. Kalyan Kumar Chakravarty, Chairman of the Lalit Kala Academy.
All other natural and human resource management strategies are culturally rooted and that is true for Nepal as well as for India.
"So once we invest in cultural relation we also advance economic development because development is always culture specific and location specific. It is not universal and teleological, one thing for the entire area. So I am absolutely sure once we work together we should be able to not only advance in culture in terms of songs, dance and art but also culture specific developmental strategies," Dr. Chakravarty added.
The Memorandum of Understanding, once finalized, will certainly explore a great relationship between India and Nepal.