Defence expert Uday Bhaskar on Friday justified the Indian Government summoning Pakistan's Deputy High Commissioner Mansoor Ahmed Khan over the 26/11 terrorist trial, and also charged Pakistan for what he called persistently delaying the trial instead of taking it to its logical conclusion.
"As an analyst, I don't see this case really moving in any serious way, reason is if one looks at the last five-six years, ever since India had presented all the evidence and if one recalls, during UPA's time, Chidambaram as Home Minister had visited Pakistan and conveyed India's concern and gave all the documents. But this is a case of obfuscation or delays on the part of the Pakistani establishment and they keep saying the judicial system cannot be rushed. This is a critical case of India and also for Pakistan... as for the bilateral relationship," Bhaskar said.
"I am only saying it is unlikely this case will move because it is targeting those people who are very powerful in Pakistan. The head of Lashkar, and various other groups who have very strong linkages with the right-wing in Pakistan. So I don't expect any movement, but India's protest is not unjustified," Bhaskar added.
"Even people in Pakistan know that the army supports right-wing terror groups. The army supports certain people in Pakistani clergy. These are the same groups that extend support to Lashkar, Jaish-e-Mohammad. Today Pakistan's own internal narrative has become so distorted that calling India 'the enemy' and that must be broken up, an article of faith is unfortunate. For India, we have not much of a choice but to stay engaged with political establishment, the trade houses and keep the pressure on the Pakistani army and the terror groups so that there is no violation of the LoC or repeat of Mumbai terror attacks," he further added.
India today reportedly summoned Pakistan's Deputy High Commissioner Mansoor Ahmed Khan to discuss the progress being made in the trial of the terrorists involved in the 26/11 terror attacks on India.
According to reports, the Indian high commission has sought regular briefings from Pakistan on progress of 26/11 trial probe being conducted by the Pakistan authorities.