Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Rajeev Pratap Rudy on Saturday said the Indian Army is well-prepared to counter infiltrations and attacks by terrorists and added that the Indian Government is ready to face any such intrusion.
"Continuous attempts are being made to create hindrance in the Jammu and Kashmir elections. There have been reports of infiltrations and attacks by terrorists, but our armed forces are much capable to look into the situation," Rudy said.
"The weapons which have been recovered from militants until now proves that they belong to Pakistan. The Government of India is prepared to face any such intrusion. This is India's victory and a defeat of Pakistan and its intentions," he added.
Earlier, condemning the attacks, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said that the acts of terror were a 'desperate attempt' to derail the atmosphere of hope and goodwill in the state.
Jammu and Kashmir, which is in the midst of its five-phase state assembly elections, yesterday faced four terror attacks, which were aimed at undermining the democratic process.
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The first attack, a pre-dawn hit on an army camp in the Uri sector of Baramullah reportedly left eight army personnel and three state policemen dead. In the operation, six militants were also killed.
The second attack took place in the state's capital Srinagar. Firing between militants and security forces left one militant dead.
The third and fourth attack consisted of grenades being flung in Pulwama and Shopian.
The attacks have also been condemned by various political parties, who had previously stated that the people of Jammu and Kashmir had chosen ballots, not bullets to voice their opinion. In the first and second phase of the elections, which took place on November 25 and December 2, the state saw a record number of people vote.